Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A little trip to McCall. Why not jump in the car and head up to McCall when all the news stations are telling you to stay off the roads if at all possible? I must admit that I was not thrilled when Nate wanted to sweep the family away for a few days in McCall. Usually I would be elated but with a blizzard on the way and 6-8 inches already fallen, I was a little hesitant. But. . . as usual, Nate was right. The roads weren't too bad and there is almot nothing more beautiful to me than McCall in the winter. Addy loved all the snow and I mean feet and feet of snow. Plus all the ice sculptures that were there because it was winter festival. Addy called them ice castles. It was amazing. We had such a good time just being a family. Can't wait til next year when Stephen is old enough to really enjoy the snow too.

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