Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Here are just a few pictures of the kids enjoying their summer. I know all you men out there are coveting my sons pecks. . . hee hee. We have been able to spend a lot of time with my family this summer. Well, Addy has. While Nate was at NYC in St. Louis for 10 days I was at Trinity Pines Bible camp leading worship (I prefer crazy song lady or Snow Angel as I was called. . .long story) for 4-6th grade girls camp so my mom, sister and grandma came down and stayed with Addy. I took Stephen and he was a hit with all the ladies! We have had a crazy busy summer (are they ever not) and I have more pictures but currently am having a hard time getting them off the camera and onto the computer. Will work on it. More later. . .hopefully sooner rather than later.


Connie said...

YEAH!!! I love the new pictures!!
Thanks for sharing!!
Missing all of you . . . wish I lived closer to you so I could just come and grab the kids and spend some time with them. (You too, of course).

Andrea said...

oh good grief, they are so cute...addison is so little girl looking! i am picturing you as the crazy song lady...more like the cutest crazy song lady EVER. Love you Bliss!